New Jersey and Freight Rail: Perfect Together

Freight rail plays a key role in making the Port of New York and New Jersey the East Coast’s busiest. The fact that one train can carry the load of several hundred trucks while moving a ton of cargo nearly 500 miles on a single gallon of fuel also means freight rail helps keep the Garden State green.

New Jersey's 20 freight railroads operate over 1,087 miles of track and employ 887 in the Garden State.* It would have taken approximately 872,000 additional truckloads to move the 15.7 million tons of freight that moved by rail in New Jersey in 2021. Moving freight by rail prevented 3.19 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions, the equivalent of taking 625,000 cars off the road or planting 48.3 million trees. Intermodal and waste and scrap materials comprise the majority of freight rail shipments beginning in New Jersey. Intermodal and chemicals are the state's largest rail imports.

*2021 data

Rail at Work

New Jersey

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Featured Rail Advocates

New Jersey
Gordon M. Johnson
Gordon M. Johnson
New Jersey State Assemblyman
Chip Hallock
Chip Hallock
President & CEO, Newark Regional Business Partnership

Featured Rail Supply Companies

New Jersey

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Gregori Construction
Direct Chassis Link
The Okonite Company
Strato, Inc.
RailWorks Corporation


44 percent

in rail rates on average from 1981 to today.

That means the average rail customer today can ship significantly more freight for about the same price they paid 40 years ago. 

State Director

New Jersey
Emily Traiforos

Emily Traiforos

State Director

Emily Traiforos joined GoRail in March 2006 and oversees its operations in the Upper Midwest and Colorado.