Las Vegas, NV — Las Vegas city councilman Brian Knudsen discussed the economic impact of freight rail in Nevada and emphasized the importance of balanced rail regulations in an op-ed for the Las Vegas Sun. He writes:
“Much like the powerhouse tourism economies in Las Vegas and across Nevada, freight railroads generate economic impact — from jobs to local growth — that is often overlooked and under-appreciated. Not to mention, rail spending is undertaken with little to no government assistance, meaning taxpayers benefit when railroads are healthy enough to invest.”
Councilman Knudsen specifically urged federal policymakers to preserve the balanced regulations ushered in by the Staggers Rail Act, which celebrated its 40th anniversary on October 14.
“As we continue to look for solutions to our current economic challenges, let the Staggers Act and freight rail’s modern success be a reminder of what is possible when we all work together for the people of Nevada.”
Read the Full Op-ed.