Member of House Committee of Transportation and Infrastructure toured Fresh Pond facility and discussed economic and environmental benefits of moving freight by rail.

Glendale, NY — New York & Atlantic Railway (NYA), the region’s short-line rail freight line, recently hosted U.S. Representative Anthony D’Esposito (NY-04) at its Fresh Pond rail yard in Glendale. NYA President Marlon Taylor and Bruce Lieberman, Chief Financial Officer of Anacostia Rail Holdings Company, NYA’s parent company, led a tour for the Congressman, who serves on the House Committee of Transportation and Infrastructure. Also present was Emily Traiforos, State Director for New York of GoRail, which organized the meeting.

New York & Atlantic Railway President Marlon Taylor (left) and Bruce Lieberman (right), Chief Financial Officer of Anacostia Rail Holdings Company, NYA’s parent company, hosted U.S. Representative Anthony D’Esposito, who serves on the House Committee of Transportation and Infrastructure to tour the railroad’s operation and discuss the numerous benefits of rail freight throughout the New York metropolitan region. Photo courtesy of New York & Atlantic Railway.

The topics discussed included the economic and environmental benefits of moving goods by rail instead of trucks. NYA’s freight operations remove hundreds of trucks daily from the region’s roadways.

“A single NYA freight train can remove almost one hundred trucks, which reduces the number of vehicles on our roads, alleviating chronic traffic congestion and decreasing the strain on our roadways and related infrastructure,” explained Mr. Taylor. “With fewer trucks on the road, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced, thus improving regional air quality while helping to achieve New York’s aggressive carbon reduction goals.”

Other topics focused on the growth in demand due to the scale of economies and logistical advantages of rail freight business by regional customers using rail to transport construction material and debris, food products, paper goods, recycling material, and other bulk goods. Mr. Taylor underscored NYA’s exemplary training and safety record, instilling confidence in the company’s operations. He cited numerous examples of training collaborations with the region’s first responders, including the FDNY and other public safety agencies in Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk counties.

Congressman D’Esposito also toured NYA’s locomotive shop to gain insight into the operation and maintenance of NYA’s fleet of cleaner-burning diesels utilizing low-sulfur fuel.

“Meeting directly with regional rail operators to learn how best to support their industry helps shape my work on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee,” stated Rep. D’Esposito. “I thoroughly enjoyed my informative tour of the New York & Atlantic rail yard, where I saw firsthand the positive impacts of regional rail professionals who serve Long Island.”

“We appreciate Congressman D’Esposito’s understanding and support of how crucial freight rail investments and policies are in the industry’s impact on local economic development, reducing traffic congestion, and improving air quality,” said Mr. Lieberman. “We thank him for taking the time from his busy schedule to meet with us and see our operation firsthand.”

“Freight rail access greatly benefits the public by reducing taxpayer costs and minimizing wear on local roads and bridges to and from Long Island,” concluded Ms. Traiforos of GoRail.